Building Studies Assignment Help

Building Studies, Indoor And Outdoor Exercises In Colour And Black And White

A building is a living place surrounded by walls and covered by roof for the purposes of keeping out rain, sun and wind. A beautiful bungalow, apartment or flat, school, hostel, hospital, cinema, shopping complex- all such different types of buildings are coming up everyday. Building plans are important legal documents. Correct drawings save cost, labour and time in the office as well as on site. Any engineer, be it civil, mechanical, electrical or electronics, etc will be involved at some stage or the other in the construction of residential, office or factory building.

The main aim of building drawing is to give sufficient informations by the design engineer to the construction engineer. In order to give informations about the building, the following vies are generally drawn: plan, section and elevation. Building studies involve a complete knowledge of building construction, materials, design and drawing.

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Rendering is equally important to present well the architectural drawings. It should be recognized at the outset that pen and ink should be reserved for small scale drawings. The very fineness of the pen point is at once an advantage and a disadvantage. Small details may be easily rendered, but large areas must be covered with groups of lines or dots in various patterns. Because of the necessity for indicating the building and its parts by combination of lines, the illusion of reality possible in the brush media simply cannot be achieved.

Water colour has been a favourite for rendering purposes for ages. To begin with, it is a clean, easily used medium, lacking the odorous quality of oil. It is possible to use it in small or large scale, even on the same painting or rendering, always giving an accurate illusion of reality. It can be as easily used to portray a beach as to portray the interiors of any room. It can be used to depict a lot of materials and textures with a lot of ease and is hence a preferred medium.