BSBWHS501 Ensure a safe workplace Sample Assignment
BSBWHS501 Ensure a safe workplace
Part A – WHS Performance Review
1. What are three WHS issues that may apply to ABC College and why?
- Airing and temperature is colder or warmer than it should be in the classroom that may affect to students.
- Ergonomics injuries that have been caused by tables, chairs, the brightness of computers, no breaks lectures, and uncomfortable place.
- The differences of students including different cultures, different languages, and different nationalities. Since ABC College is providing to international students so these issues may affect on understanding between student and student, and studying in the clas.
2. Identify three WHS policies in ABC College and decide the most appropriate way to communicate these policies to relevant stakeholders.
No. |
WHS Policy |
Stakeholders |
Communication methods |
Details of method |
1 |
Targeted correspondence and emails to employees and students |
Employees Students |
WHS website Assignment unit handbooks |
A ABC College email address will be used by ABC College for the delivery of all official College email. |
2 |
Employee health and safety induction program |
Employees |
Meeting Presentation |
Provide regular reminders WHS issues to workers Identify and discuss WHS issues |
3 |
Student information publications |
Students |
College newspaper College website |
Prepare WHS issues injuries to address in newspaper and website of college Intranet notices to remind workers about WHS issues injuries |
3. Identify duty holders and define WHS responsibilities for all workplace personnel in ABC College according to WHS legislation, policies, procedures and programs.
No. |
Role |
Duties |
1 |
The CEO has the primary duty to responsible of care to commit workers about Health and Safety while they’re at work or undertaking Train and supervise staff to ensure safe work instructions are understood and followed by all employees Provide adequate facilities for the welfare of employees Regularly check WHS systems and procedures to ensure that workers are adequately protected from WHS injuries. |
2 |
General manager |
Effective leaders know the value of health and safety as part of everyday business. They value the ideas and involvement of their workers To increase and update the knowledge of WHS instructions Providing training and instructions to workers Providing report if infiable incidents |
3 |
managers |
Responsible to guide and motivate teams to perform and achieve can be both challenging and rewarding the closest connective between senior leaders and the workers. a substantial role in influencing workers to value health and safely by changing unsafe work behaviours and clearly setting what are the accepted safety standards in the workplace |
4 |
workers |
Work safely to protect themself and others from injury and follow all WHS instructions Report any WHS issues, including hazards, injuries, illnesses and near misses Listen to reasonable instructions from CEO, general manager and managers. |
4. Outline the process you would follow to identify and approve financial and human resources for WHS activities within your work area. Show that you have considered how to apply mathematical and problems solving strategies in identifying financial and human resources required.

Part B – Participation Arrangements
1. List participation arrangements you can think of that the company could use to increase the involvement of staff, trainers and students.
Participation arrangements |
How each would increase the involvement of staff, trainers and students |
Follow workplace procedures for hazard identification and risk control |
Identify hazards in the work area and report hazards to appropriate personnel in accordance with workplace procedures and company requirements Follow workplace procedures and work instructions for controlling risks in accordance with company requirements |
Participate in arrangements for the management of occupational health and safety |
Raise OHS issues with appropriate personnel in accordance with relevant OHS legislation, workplace procedures and company requirements Join in participative arrangements for OHS management in the workplace within scope of own role and responsibilities in accordance with workplace procedures and company requirements |
Follow emergency procedures in the workplace |
Follow emergency procedures for dealing with accidents, fires and emergencies whenever necessary within scope of own role and responsibilities in accordance with company requirements Report details of hazardous events to appropriate personnel in accordance with company requirements |
2. Provide one suggestion the company could use to resolve WHS issues through participation arrangements and consultation.
Sharing information is a participation arrangement method that could be used to resolve WHS issues by sharing relevant information with employees and their health and safety representatives about instructions that may affect their health and safety. This information should be provided early on so that workers and health and safety representatives have enough time to consider the matters, discuss them and then provide feedback to you. The CEO should make available all the information that have been related to the health and safety matter to enable informed and constructive discussions.
3. Identify ways that ABC could provide information about the outcomes of participation and consultation to staff, trainers and students. You will need to find the way that it is easy for them to access and understand.
ABC should be responsible to concerns and questions raised by workers within a certain timeframe and offer feedback about any options they propose. ABC college must inform the workers of final decision or Assignment of action as soon as possible. Information should be provided to help them understand the reasons for your decision.
Part C – New Risk Management Procedures
1. Develop a new procedure for ongoing hazard identification, assessment and control of associated risks. You will need to suggest procedures where any proposed changes will not create new hazards and the existing hazards are controlled. Consider the following points:
- Compliance with WHS legislation requirements
- Ability to identify all possible hazards
- Accuracy in assessing risks
- Application to the hierarchy of risk control
- User-friendly nature of the risk assessment tools
2. Explain strategies to ensure that new hazards are not created by the proposed changes and existing hazards are controlled
Strategies to ensure that new hazards are not created by the proposed changes and existing hazards are controlled are
- remove the hazard completely from the workplace. This is the most effective control measure and must always be considered before anything else.
- substitute or replace the hazard with a less hazardous work practice
- these should only be considered when other higher order control measures are not practicable. These are work methods or procedures that are designed to minimise the exposure to a hazard
- While safe work practices can be considered types of authoritative controls, OSHA utilizes the term managerial controls to mean different measures went for lessening worker presentation to dangers. These measures incorporate extra alleviation laborers, exercise breaks and revolution of specialists. These sorts of controls are regularly utilized as a part of conjunction with different controls that all the more straightforwardly forestall or control presentation to the peril.
3. Explain how you can maintain procedures for selecting and implementing risk controls according to the hierarchy of control and WHS legislative requirements.
New Risk Management Procedure including these steps:
- Identifying risks: it’s the first step to identify any risks in the workplace.
- Assessing risks: Consider that how serious the risk could be and the likelihood of its happening.
- Controlling risks: achieve the most effective control measure that is reasonably participative in the circumstances.
- Reviewing control measures: to ensure that they are working as a plan.
Strategies to ensure that new risks are not created by the proposed changes. In order to maintain procedures, students may develop a risk control plan including the following contents
- How to consult and communicate with staff members
- How to allocate responsibility and who is the main informer
- How to prepare a work plan, checklist, and risk plan control.
- How to monitor and evaluate risks
4. Explain strategies to identify inadequacies in existing risk controls according to the hierarchy of control and WHS legislative requirements
According to the hierarchy of control and WHS legislative requirements, Strategies to identify inadequacies in existing risk controls should not be predicted that risk control measures will always be adequate to solve a problem. On the other hand, new or risk controls should be checked and make sure in cause nowaday, implemented risk controls should be tested in some way before using in the new system, if it is possible. In the cause of existing controls, changes in work practices may inadvertently introduce new risks or undermine the efficacy of existing risk controls. Checking the methods chosen to solve OHS problems is known as monitoring and evaluation of risk controls. This can be done using the hazard identification procedures already covered. Risk management should be created into routine procedures such as purchasing and induction.
Part D – Inadequacies in Ergonomic Control measures
1. Describe what safety issues are identified by the survey.
Safety issues are identified by the survey is a systematic review of safety issues, to recommend improvements where needed, to provide assurance of the safety of current activities, and to confirm conformance with applicable parts of the safety management system. he safety surveys are usually independent of routine inspections and safe audits by government or organisation’s management.The objectives are to assess factors affecting safety and to facilitate the identification of corrective actions wherever necessary.
2. Use the internet to locate a specialist who should be able to provide relevant information and services the institute requires
We need the HR manager to get all injuries records from IT manager and going online to to pick one of the ergonomics and WHS specialist to help the ABC College.
Name |
Phone/ Fax |
Company |
Address |
Louise Whitby |
P: 02 9659 6590 F: 02 9659 6591 | |
Louise Whitby & Assoc Pty Ltd |
PO Box 7605, BAULKHM HILLS BC, NSW 2153 |
Airdrie Long |
P: 02 9411 4248 | |
Considered Solutions Pty Ltd |
5 The Crescent CHATSWOOD, NSW 2067 |
Claire Folland |
M: 0414 791 179 | |
Alba Ergonomics |
PO Box 2082, CLOVELLY, NSW 2031 |
3. Explain strategies to improve the situation by using the specialist and identify what resources to enable implementation of the strategies.
Safety decisions by the ABC according to this issue by the survey, and etc. For this issue ABC have to consider a longer breaks in between session, better and more comfortable chairs and tables.
ABC should listen to the psycho therapist and learn of their advices. Also ABC should provide financial funds, training and informing, documentation (also manuals and procedures), and any other needs if needed to fulfil Safety to solve the problem.