Project Management – Is this the right career for you?
To define what is project management? First we need to define what are projects, its objective and scope. Technically, A PROJECT is a short-term endeavor to create a unique product or service for your customer. A project, in practical terms, is an assignment or undertaking to create a deliverable that satisfies the mission of the project customers.
For any project to be successful you need to understand what the project is supposed to achieve. To achieve the desired outcome from the project, you must define what things (services or products) are to be delivered by the end of the project.
Project Management is a methodical approach to planning and guiding a project processes from start to finish. In other words, A project is a temporary effort to create a unique product or service. Projects usually include constraints and risks regarding cost, schedule or performance outcome.
In best practices of Project Management, project manager should define/consider following steps: —
- Define the objectives and scope
- Clear Define: Outcome from the project
- Tracking and Reporting of project progress
- Ready for change if any in project development life cycle
- Consider Risk Management
A good Project Manager must have the following skills.
- Excellent Communication and Presentation skills
- Planning
- Leading
- Controlling
In order for the project to be successful, project management process play a very important role during project development life cycle. Most important fact is that project must remain an equilateral triangle.
Always remember that the time, cost, quality triangle isn’t just a project management principle, it’s a career management tool as well. To make quality products or services, you should focus on Time and effort / cost, then you can say that project is deliver successfully on time.
As we know that, Project Management is not rocket science. Applying best practices on your project cannot guarantee you that your project comes in under budget, on time and exceeds all the expectations of the clients or stakeholders, but applying them will certainly give you a much better chance of delivering your project successfully on or before time.
Online tutoring web-site have expert project management professionals who guide you in every steps during your project life cycle. We would like to continue providing quality Project Assignment works at an affordable price which has always been our unique feature.
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