Application and Theories Of Employment Relations


An employer-employee relation exists at all workplaces. It should be respective, and both should have a strong mutual relationship with each other so that each one of them has a strong understanding of each other’s feelings.

Employee relations means that the organization is creating a strong bonding with their employees and trying to be maintaining them properly. It is the duty of the employer to provide a peaceful and reasonable environment so that their employees can do the work properly. An employer must need to support their employees in their work so that they can perform well. An employer from time to time must motivate their employees so that they work in a better way, employer must appreciate their employee’s performance from time to time so that employees can work with some innovative ideas. He must try to resolve his employee’s problems and conflicts if arises among the employees.

Theories of employee relations are as follows:

These theories help us in analyzing and understanding employee relations.

  • Marxist
  • Pluralist
  • Unitarist

Marxist- It is also known for a radical perspective. This is about to reveal the nature of the society capitalist. It is basically focussing on recognizing the inequalities in the power of the employment relationship. According to this theory, the conflicts arise because of the interest between the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat.

According to the pluralist perspective, it has its goals and loyalties and conflict in the workplace is inevitable and the theory is based on the business organizations which depend on the interest of various groups of people. It basically believes that the managers are acknowledged with the sources like a trade union and on some basis, the issues related to the industries are better addressed. So, in this, the conflict is basically resolved by collective bargaining. According to the effective perspective of Pluralism if the conflict is being well resolved and managed then it can make a positive change in the place.

According to the Unitarist theory in the relationship between the employer and the employee the conflict is also not inevitable. As per this theory in the organization, the employment relationship is necessary so that the organization can survive. In this, the employees and the managers are working regarding the survival of the company. So that in the organization for peaceful operation and activities of the organization it is to ensure that the conflicts do not rises among the people. The organization must ensure that the employees are more aware of their field works and a key area of interest.

The difference among all the three Unitarist, Pluralist, and Marxist Perspectives:

So, according to the above description, all three perspectives have different opinions and understanding regarding conflicts. The unitarist perspective puts conflicts as the reason for the generation of conflicts in these are agitators and breakdown of communication. On the other hand, the Pluralist perspective is about collective bargaining so that to tackle conflict. As it pays attention to how to get manage conflicts effectively whereas the Marxist is about to reveal the nature of the social capitalist. It is basically focussing on recognizing the inequalities in the power of the employment relationship.

Main actors in Industrial relations:

Industries relations is necessary to establish a field of Interest as no individual can himself/herself is able to fulfill all the roles in the industrial society. Everyone in the industry has a significant role like some having roles regarding production, someone having providing services, and someone to meet the overall objectives/goal of the organization. So that according to this the Industrial relations consist mainly of three elements which are as follows: the social, the economic, and the political elements.

According to the British Model Industrial relations, there are three principles exists:

The workers with their trade unions- Their role is basically to supply the skills which are necessary and required to produce goods and services.

  • The employers with their associations and- Their role is providing the raw materials which are required to produce goods and the services.
  • The government and its industries- Their role is to enable the environment so that the goods and services can be produced.
  • Each actor performs their activities properly and effectively.
  • Main theories in employment relations are as follows: Unitarist theory, Marxist theory, and Radical Theory
  • According to the unitarist theory, organizations are collaborative and friendly.
  • According to the Radical Theory, the main focus is on the employee’s industrial relations so that they can protect themselves from large businesses.

As per the Marxist Theory, it is the way of organizing the society where the workers can own their means of production.

The importance of employee relations is that if there is a strong and bond relationship between the employer and the employee then this will be beneficial to the whole organization as a time to time, they require guidance from the employer so that they can perform well as an employee relation is helpful in reducing the extra stress if the employee has a strong relationship with his employer then if he has some issues and problems regarding anything then he can share this with his/her employer.

For an effective relation, it is necessary that both employer and employee know each other well so that they can each other’s strengths and weaknesses. There should not be any binding regarding communication between an employer-employee relationship. There should be open communication between both employer and an employee. It is the responsibility of the employer to provide an equal workplace to his employees so that they can work effectively. Their relation exists in such a way that both the employer and an employee can trust each other.

A strong employment relation increases and improves the overall production of the organization as it helps in creating a pleasant atmosphere so that employees feel to work it also helps in engaging and motivating employees to enhance their work.

Employee relations are important for employee engagement and satisfaction.

Some of the best practices of employee relations are:

  • Must be honest communication- An open and good communication is required at every place as this would be the foundation of the relationship so that we can share our views and ideas with our team members and our employees, frankly.
  • Trust in each other- Having trust in each other like trust in other team members and on our employer so that we can keep our promises from one another, and this would be helpful in achieving the organizational goals and objectives.
  • Appreciating others- On a regular basis properly engaging and appreciating each other so that all can enhance their capabilities to do the work.

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