A Back to School Letter to Students

Dear students,
The First day of school and college for session 2014-15 has just gotten over. After a long and delightful summer, we hope all you guys were cheerful and refreshed to go back to school, meet new friends and teachers, new syllabus, game practice with friends, prom nights and all. However you guys must have also had a bit of fear, anxiety and nervousness. It’s natural. And its not something that will go away in a day or two. While most kids are over joyed to go back to school on the first day, the eagerness might ebb within a week as things become more routine.
Here we are giving all of you guys some important tips that you must religiously follow for at least the entire back to school month. This will keep you guys organised throughout the academic session and boost your overall productivity in school.
Pre-plan your schedule. Keep the class routine, examination schedule in handy. The sudden provocation of a soccer match or a drinking party may seem to be exciting, fun at first, but before the exam, the stress will fall on your back only. Therefore it’s good to maintain a schedule. Keep time for everything and everyone, study, co-curricular activities, your friends and family, for yourself too. In case a last minute soccer match or party pops up, make sure to put in extra study/work hours the very next day to keep on track.
Try to pack your backpack, or iron the uniform, on the previous night before the school begins. It will give you some tension free time or shall I say a little bit more time to sleep. Also keep plenty of time for a delicious morning breakfast. Ask mommy to prepare nutritious meals for you. You guys can also help mommy in the kitchen to pack your lunchbox at least a night before school.
Do not forget to set the alarm; otherwise the consequences can be really alarming. We know its going to be very tough to wake up at 6.00 AM for school , at least after the long summer siestas. IN fact from one week before the first day of school, start easing back into your school day routine. Set your morning alarms every day and it won’t be long before you would have gotten used to waking up early morning. Keep off the snooze button :-p
Now, let’s pay some attention to the not so favourite topic, the classes. It is universally known among the students that bunking one or few classes is a must do. Otherwise you can be termed as ‘nerd’. But let me tell you something, it’s better and much wiser to attend the classes and then hang out with your friends. After all during the exams, you have to do all the studies by yourself. Being regular right from the beginning will keep you stress free.
If you are not being able to follow a particular subject, talk to the teacher about it or take some help from the classmates who understand the subject better. Don’t keep it for the days before the examination that will surely make the situation worse. Talk to your parents about your books and subjects and involve them in your projects. Seek professional tutoring and homework help right from the beginning if you feel it is required. In class, try to take participation in the discussion. No matter how insignificant you think your point is, always voice your opinion; ask questions instead of following everything blindly.
For the transfer students, the situation can be a little bit problematic at first; after all it’s not easy to adjust in a new place among new people. Remaining in a shell will not solve the problem. Try to make new friends. Join the different societies of your interest; there it will be easier to find people of the same wave length as yours.
We are pretty sure by following these tips for the entire back to school month this year, all you kiddos will have an awesome academic year 2014-15. You guys will definitely see an improvement in your study habits and grades by practicing these little advices.
Feel free to share your back to school experiences with all of us and also any other special practice that you are following at home/school. Tweet your back to school experience and pics on #AHNBTS
All the Best