The Teel Structure and how to write TEEL Structure?

The Teel Structure About TEEL Technique

This article and the research report are about the structure of TEEL, it is a way of formatting and the effective style of paragraph writing. The TEEL is an effective writing technique that is effectively used in writing paragraphs. It effectively gives us the proper format and structure of writing a paragraph that helps in formatting the essays and effectively improving their quality. So, the term TEEL stands for T: for Topic sentence E: E stands for the explanation E: E stands for Evidence L: L stands for the Link.

All letters that are present in the term TEEL effectively signify the nature of the sentences that should get present in the paragraph. This teel structure effectively helps in properly presenting the information clear as well as in an organized manner. This is not necessary that we have to completely follow the TEEL structure while writing an essay and article, but it is an effective technique of writing an essay that provides the quality in the paragraph.

Rules to be followed while writing the paragraph along with using the TEEL Techniques.


  • While writing paragraphs it should follow one topic at a time.
  • An essay effectively contains three to five paragraphs.
  • While writing the single paragraphs it must contain leastways 4 to 6 sentences effectively.
  • The size of the paragraph should be at least half a page around.
  • All the written paragraphs must follow the TEEL structure techniques.

This can also be effectively followed to the regime the proofreading and for checking the relevancy and the format of the paragraph.

The term TEEL stands for:

T: Topic sentence

E: E stands for the explanation

E: E stands for Evidence-To effectively support the topics

L: L stands for the Link


Topic sentence:

In the paragraph the first sentence effectively talks about the whole paragraph so, the first sentence of the paragraph should be attractive and clear so that it can effectively give an idea about what the whole paragraph is, it should be properly written so that the readers can carefully read it and they will get enough information about the paragraph and the topic. It effectively maintains the interest of readers so that after reading the first sentence the reader continues his study and reads the whole paragraph.


After the first sentence of the paragraph, the next sentences will effectively give a clear idea and detailed information about the topic and the paragraph, and with such sentences, the readers can effectively understand all about the paragraph while writing topics like economics assignments such sentences the author should keep in mind that all the sentences should be short, clear, simple, and concise so that readers can read it easily and understand it properly. The paragraph should be not too much longer otherwise the readers will get bored and left reading the paragraph. So, it should be to the point so that they can read it completely and can also well understand it.


While writing paragraph, article and an essay the writer must try to include some argument sentences and also gives its suggestions and solutions so that the readers can effectively understand the argument questions and its effective suggestions and with this, the writer must also provide some supportive evidences like the citations and some reference sources which can effectively support the writer’s statements and this also helps some other people like if anyone wants to know more about the topic and the argument then he/she can effectively use such references sources and can get detailed about the topic and this must support the author’s statement authenticity and its relevancy.


The links in the paragraph are one of the most important parts of it as it effectively brings together whole links of the essays and it effectively gives a proper summary of the sentence’s topics, its proper explanation, and some supportive evidence that has been effectively used in the paragraph while commuting some argument sentences in the paragraphs. This is important because including the conclusion part in the paragraph also well makes the importance of the topic that has been effectively used in the whole essay.

After all, such processes effectively proofread the paragraph so that all the minor as well as the major mistakes could be properly get noticed and can be effectively rectified.

Advantages of using the TEEL Technique in the paragraph

  • Effectively enhances the credibility: Using the TEEL Techniques in the paragraph effectively increases the credibility of the paragraph it makes the contents in the paragraph more interesting and impactful, so the readers got effectively attracted to read the whole essay and an article.
  • Enhancing quality and creativity: Using the TEEL Techniques in the paragraph effectively enhances the quality as it makes the article more interesting and it also increases the creativity of the writer to write an article and an essay effectively.
  • Stay focused: This effectively allows the writer to stay focused on the particular topic and effectively writes the paragraph to the point and effectively properly delivering the information and details.
  • Effectively provides the evidence: It effectively allows the author /writer to include some argument sentences in his/her paragraphs and essays and also providing some of its suggestions and solutions with some supportive evidence such as perdisco assignment help so that it can effectively support the author’s paragraphs authenticity and relevancy.
  • Setting a clear path: It mainly provides a writer a clear and set path to write essays and paragraphs in a better way it effectively tells them what things and sentences to include in the paragraph and the proper structure and the format of writing the paragraphs.

Effective tips for writing a TEEL Paragraph.

  • Before start writing the paragraph properly Brainstorming: Is the first and the important part of writing that before start writing properly think about the topic on which the person is going to write. The writer should properly think about what points he/she should write which types of argument statements and their solutions to be included how to be a detailed explanation about the whole topic in an essay and paragraph and what are some of the important supportive evidence the author should in his/her essays so that such supportive evidence effectively supports the author’s paragraph authenticity and its relevancy.
  • Using of formal languages: With using the TEEL Techniques structure in an essay effectively trying to be using simple and formal language while framing and writing an article and essays. The formal and the simple language has more advantage as it effectively makes a good impact on the reader’s mind and he finds it more interesting to read it. While writing an essay the author should try to avoid using exaggerated words and informal language in his article.
  • From the perspective of the third person: Using the first and the second person while framing and writing an article effectively reduces the credibility and the impact of the good content so the author must try to write from the perspective of the third person.
  • Proper formatting: While writing the paragraph always checking the formatting and writing style structure of the paragraph. Properly write the introduction of the topic then must give a detailed explanation about the topic and with this must using some argument statements and its suggestions and also some of the quotation marks and after all, this must writing the conclusion of an essay and paragraph and at the end of the document effectively using proper reference sources and citations and at last writing proper bibliography so an author has to effectively follow all such rules so that his/her article and essay could be attractive.

Properly proofread the document: After getting completed the document the author must try to proofread the document so that all the minor, as well as the major mistakes, could be properly get noticed and after that author should try to eliminate all such mistakes so that the article could become an error-free article.


So, as per the given article, it can be effectively seeing that while framing and writing an essay and the paragraph the author must try to use the TEEL Techniques so that he/she can effectively make his/her article and an essay attractive so that it can effectively attract various people to read this completely. So, while framing an article the author must be focused on using the formal language in an article and an essay and writing short, simple, and to the point content in the article so that the readers can effectively read the article and can understand it properly the author must try to follow the proper style and the formatting of writing paragraphs like first writing introduction then giving a detailed explanation about the topic, using of some argument in his/her essay with some effective suggestions and finally writing the conclusion part and after all such processes writing the references and the citations which can effectively support the author’s paragraph’s authenticity and relevancy. So, using the TEEL techniques while writing an essay can make the paragraph more quality and interesting so that readers will attract to this and read the whole paragraph.