Saskatchewan Draws 502 Candidates in Latest SINP Draw – July 29, 2020


In the most recent draw conducted on July 29, 2020, the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) in Canada extended invitations to 502 immigration candidates. These candidates, falling under the Express Entry and Occupations In-Demand sub-categories, are now eligible to apply for a provincial nomination from Saskatchewan, paving their way to Canada permanent residence. This draw follows the SINP draw held on May 28, 2020, showcasing the province’s commitment to attracting skilled individuals.

Eligibility Criteria for Consideration: To be eligible for selection in the draw, candidates had to:

  • Have submitted their Expression of Interest (EOI) profile with the SINP.
  • Attain a minimum EOI score of 70.

The SINP utilizes the EOI system to identify candidates with the potential for successful settlement in Saskatchewan. Candidates are evaluated based on the International Skilled Worker Points Assessment Grid, considering factors such as education, work experience, language proficiency, and adaptability.

EOI Assessment Factors: The assessment is divided into two main factors:

  1. Labour Market Success (Maximum 70 Points):
    • A: Education and Training
    • B: Skilled Work Experience
    • C: Language Ability
    • D: Age
  2. Connection to Saskatchewan Labour Market & Adaptability (Maximum 30 Points).

Overview of SINP Draw – July 29, 2020:

  • Categories: Express Entry and Occupations In-Demand
  • Minimum EOI Score: 70
  • Total Candidates Invited: 502

Occupations In-Demand Breakdown:

  • Lowest Ranked Candidate EOI Score: 70
  • Total Candidates Invited: 248

Express Entry Breakdown:

  • Lowest Ranked Candidate EOI Score: 70
  • Total Candidates Invited: 254

Included Occupations in the Draw (NOC Codes):

  • A diverse range of 43 in-demand occupations was considered, covering fields such as finance, healthcare, agriculture, engineering, and more.

Application Process and Deadline: Candidates receiving Invitations to Apply (ITAs) from the SINP are required to submit a complete online application along with the necessary documents within 60 days. This step is crucial for progressing toward Saskatchewan’s provincial nomination for Canada permanent residence.

Historical SINP Draw Data – 2020:

  • The SINP has consistently conducted draws throughout the year, inviting candidates from both the Occupations In-Demand and Express Entry categories.
  • The EOI selection results provide insights into the scores and total candidates invited in each draw.


The SINP’s proactive approach in inviting skilled candidates reflects Saskatchewan’s dedication to addressing its labor market needs. The comprehensive EOI system and the regularity of draws contribute to a streamlined immigration process, enabling successful candidates to contribute to the province’s economic growth. As Saskatchewan continues to welcome skilled newcomers, the SINP remains a key pathway for individuals seeking Canada permanent residence.

To Know more about 502 invited in latest PNP draw by Saskatchewan! Contact with us