25 Stages of Finals Week (as Told by Kim Kardashian)
Hey dolls, it’s that time of the semester again—Finals Week, where the contour is replaced by under-eye bags, and coffee becomes your new BFF. Let’s break down the chaotic rollercoaster of emotions and experiences during this academic catwalk, through the lens of none other than the queen of glam herself, Kim K.
So, Finals Week is only a Week Away.
Pre-Week Panic
It’s all about the pre-week freakout, where your planner looks more crowded than my closet. SOS, where did all these assignments come from? W-H-A-A-A-T-T ?!?
Coffee Dependency Level: Kim at a Red Carpet Event
Your caffeine intake hits levels higher than my glam squad’s contouring powder. Espresso yourself, right? Because you L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y have no idea of what was taught in the semester.

Procrastination Station
Suddenly, cleaning your room seems more appealing than studying for that calculus exam. Organizing your makeup drawer? #Priorities Because “‘Ambitious’ is my middle name” !
The Denial Stage
Omg you guys! There is still like a WEEK to go! You convince yourself that everything will be fine even though you haven’t opened your textbook since Week 3. Positive vibes only, right?
Mental Breakdown #1
When the material gets as confusing as deciphering Kanye’s tweets. Cue the tears and dramatics.

Snack Attack
You’ve consumed more snacks than I have designer purses. Stress-eating is a sport, honey.

Library Siege
You stake out a spot in the library like it’s the Met Gala red carpet. Studying is the new black.

Group Study Drama
More drama than an episode of KUWTK, with everyone trying to be the Kris Jenner of the group. Teamwork makes the dream work, or does it?
Social Media Temptation
You declare a social media blackout but end up stalking influencers for “motivation.” Scrolling for inspiration, or is it procrastination?
Fashion Crisis
Sweatpants and messy buns become the new haute couture. Comfort is key, right?

Late-Night Delirium
You start to question reality, your life choices, and whether you’ll ever need to know the capital of Belarus. Is this real life?
Mental Breakdown #2
More tears, more drama. This time, it’s over a particularly tricky multiple-choice question. Multiple choices, zero answers.
The Endless Revision Loop
Rereading the same sentence for an hour because it feels like it’s in a different language. Lost in translation, much?
One Night Before When you Need Help
You start Looking for Tutors Online Like :-p
Cramming Chaos
Seriously! It’s Totally Mental ! It’s a marathon of info intake, and your brain feels as full as my social calendar. Brain overload, majorly.
GOTCHA! No Not Really ! More Like
(Seriously ! Stop Laughing :-p)
The “I’m Done” Moment
Hand in the last paper and let out a sigh of relief. You feel as liberated as when I took my first selfie.
Turn in the Test
Whatever ! The questions were such Peasants!
Result Shock
When your grade is better than expected, it’s like receiving an unexpected Birkin bag. Shooketh, to say the least!
Result Disappointment
If it’s not what you hoped for, it’s like the Met Gala without an invite. Disappointing, but we move.
Post-Finals Celebration
It’s time to pop academic bottles and party like it’s New Year’s Eve. Cheers to surviving, darling!
Grade Anxiety
Refreshing the grades page more often than you refresh your makeup for the perfect selfie. The suspense is killing me.

Semester Recap
Reflecting on the semester is like doing a throwback of your Insta feed—some highs, some lows, and a lot of growth. What a ride.

Promise of Improvement
You vow to start studying earlier next semester, just like I promise to clean out my closet every season. New semester, new me.

Brief Moment of Relaxation
Enjoying a few moments of peace before the cycle begins anew. Breathe in, breathe out.

Textbook Resale Drama
Trying to sell your textbooks feels like negotiating a business deal. Haggling game strong.

BONUS: Repeat
And just like that, the cycle starts again. Here we go again, right?

Hope you had Fun! Now seriously go and study!
For Finals Week Study Guide Check this out.