In the world of AI assistance, leveraging tools like ChatGPT can significantly enhance productivity and problem-solving. However, maximizing its potential often requires a strategic approach. Here are ten hacks to ensure you get the best answer outputs from ChatGPT:

1. Break It Down:

One of the most effective strategies is to split complex questions into smaller, more manageable parts. Instead of asking for a comprehensive solution at once, break it down into specific components. For instance, inquire about the key elements of a task before diving into the task itself.

Utilizing ChatGPT for Detailed Essay Writing:

Strategy: Break Down the Essay Prompt


  1. Component Analysis: Use ChatGPT to dissect the essay prompt into its key components or subtopics. This allows for a more focused approach to research and writing.
  2. Specific Queries: Instead of asking ChatGPT to write the entire essay, inquire about specific subtopics or elements within the prompt. This approach helps in generating detailed information for each aspect.
  3. Detailed Responses: By breaking down the prompt, students can request ChatGPT to provide in-depth information, explanations, examples, and relevant data for each component separately.


Consider an essay prompt: “Discuss the impact of climate change on global economies.”

Instead of asking ChatGPT to write the entire essay, break it down:

  1. Impact on Agriculture: Ask ChatGPT for insights on how climate change affects agricultural production globally. Request specific details on crop yield fluctuations, changes in farming practices, or economic implications.
  2. Rising Sea Levels: Inquire about the economic consequences of rising sea levels due to climate change. Seek information on the financial impacts on coastal communities, infrastructure, and industries.
  3. Policy and Economic Adaptations: Discuss how governments and economies are adapting to mitigate the economic repercussions of climate change. Request examples of policy initiatives and their potential effects on global economies.

How Students Can Use This Approach:

  1. Focused Research: Students can utilize ChatGPT to gather detailed information on each subtopic, enabling them to delve deeper into specific areas related to the essay prompt.
  2. In-depth Understanding: By addressing individual components separately, students gain a more comprehensive understanding of the topic, ensuring a thorough analysis in their essays.
  3. Structured Essay Development: Use the information obtained from ChatGPT to structure and formulate detailed paragraphs for each aspect of the essay. This leads to a well-rounded and thorough essay.

By employing ChatGPT to break down and explore various components of the essay prompt, students can gather detailed insights and information that contribute to the development of a comprehensive and informed essay.

2. Illustrate with Examples:

Guide ChatGPT by providing examples that illustrate your queries. Offering tangible instances of what you seek helps in aligning both your understanding and the AI’s responses. Utilize past work or scenarios related to your question as reference points.

Here’s how students can leverage ChatGPT to write detailed essays by guiding it with specific examples and queries:

Strategy: Guide ChatGPT with Tangible Examples and Queries


  1. Clarity through Examples: Providing ChatGPT with tangible examples helps in clarifying the student’s query and ensures the AI understands the context more precisely.
  2. Enhanced Relevance: When referencing past work or scenarios related to the essay topic, students assist ChatGPT in generating more relevant and tailored responses.
  3. Aligning Understanding: By guiding ChatGPT with specific examples, students align their expectations with the AI’s responses, resulting in more focused and detailed information.


Imagine an essay topic: “Explore the impact of social media on mental health.”

Instead of asking ChatGPT a broad question, guide it with specific examples:

  1. Example-Based Inquiry: “ChatGPT, could you provide insights into how Instagram’s ‘likes’ feature affects self-esteem among teenagers?”
  2. Scenario Reference: “Can you elaborate on the relationship between excessive social media usage and anxiety levels, using studies or instances related to young adults?”
  3. Past Research Inquiry: “Could you summarize findings from research studies that discuss the correlation between prolonged social media exposure and depressive symptoms in adolescents?”

How Students Can Use This Approach:

  1. Specific Query Formulation: Students can frame queries that directly relate to the examples or scenarios they wish to explore within the essay topic.
  2. Focused Responses: ChatGPT’s responses become more detailed and tailored when prompted with specific examples or instances, aiding in deeper exploration of essay components.
  3. Evidence-Based Writing: By obtaining detailed information from ChatGPT based on specific examples, students can gather evidence and insights to support their arguments within the essay.

By guiding ChatGPT with concrete examples and specific queries related to the essay topic, students can extract detailed and relevant information that contributes to the richness and depth of their essays.

Feel free to incorporate these ideas into the essay-writing process, showcasing how using ChatGPT with specific examples and queries can aid students in writing more detailed and well-supported essays.

3. Leverage External Sources:

Sometimes, the solution lies beyond ChatGPT’s capabilities. Incorporate insights from credible external sources to enrich the conversation. By integrating information from reliable references, such as industry blogs or expert advice, you can enhance the depth and accuracy of ChatGPT’s responses.

Strategy: Integrating External Sources with ChatGPT


  1. Enriching Information: External sources, like industry blogs or expert advice, often offer specialized insights that complement ChatGPT’s knowledge. This amalgamation of AI-generated content and real-world expertise enriches the essay’s content.
  2. Enhanced Credibility: Citing authoritative external sources strengthens the credibility of the essay. It showcases a well-rounded perspective by integrating information beyond ChatGPT’s scope.
  3. Depth and Accuracy: Combining ChatGPT’s responses with insights from reputable sources adds depth and accuracy to the essay, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the topic.


Consider an essay topic: “Analyzing the future implications of artificial intelligence in healthcare.”

  1. ChatGPT Inquiry: Begin by asking ChatGPT for an overview or general trends in AI applications in healthcare, gaining a foundational understanding of the topic.
  2. External Source Integration: Use external sources such as research papers, interviews with healthcare professionals, or reports from renowned institutions like the WHO to gather specific, data-backed insights.
  3. ChatGPT Validation: After gathering external insights, seek ChatGPT’s opinion or analysis on the acquired information. For instance, “ChatGPT, what are your thoughts on the ethical considerations outlined in this research paper regarding AI in healthcare?”

How Students Can Use This Approach:

  1. Research Collaboration: Students can use ChatGPT to summarize or interpret external sources, fostering a dialogue between AI-generated content and credible research.
  2. Comprehensive Analysis: By combining ChatGPT’s insights with information from reputable sources, students can conduct a comprehensive analysis and present a well-supported argument in their essays.
  3. Validating Information: Engaging ChatGPT to analyze, elaborate, or discuss external source material helps in validating and contextualizing the gathered information within the essay.

By integrating insights from external sources alongside ChatGPT’s responses, students can create essays that showcase a blend of AI-generated content and credible real-world expertise, elevating the depth and quality of their work.

Feel free to incorporate these concepts into the essay-writing process, demonstrating how students can seamlessly merge ChatGPT’s insights with information from authoritative external sources for detailed and well-informed essays.

4. Unravel the Chain of Thought:

Engage ChatGPT in a step-by-step reasoning process for complex inquiries. Instead of merely asking for the final answer, encourage the AI to articulate its train of thought. This method not only elucidates its decision-making process but also aids in identifying and rectifying potential errors.

Encouraging ChatGPT to articulate its chain of thought is a powerful method for essay writing. It not only helps in understanding its reasoning but also allows for a more insightful and error-correcting engagement.

Strategy: Engage ChatGPT in Step-by-Step Reasoning


  1. Transparent Reasoning: By requesting ChatGPT to explain its thought process step-by-step, students gain insights into how the AI formulates responses. This transparency aids in understanding its logic and reasoning.
  2. Error Identification: Engaging ChatGPT in a chain of thought assists in identifying potential errors or inconsistencies in its reasoning. This allows students to correct any misunderstandings or inaccuracies in the information provided.
  3. Enhanced Learning: Observing ChatGPT’s reasoning process educates students on how to structure arguments or thought processes effectively, contributing to their own critical thinking skills.


Suppose the essay topic is: “Discuss the impact of renewable energy on global sustainability.”

  1. Step-by-Step Inquiry: Rather than asking for a direct response, engage ChatGPT with step-by-step queries. For instance:
    • “Could you elaborate on the environmental benefits of solar energy?”
    • “How does the integration of wind power contribute to reducing carbon emissions?”
  2. Request for Reasoning: Encourage ChatGPT to explain the connections between different renewable energy sources and their collective impact on global sustainability. For instance:
    • “Can you detail how the combined use of various renewable energies aligns with achieving sustainable development goals?”
  3. Validation and Corrections: After obtaining the AI’s reasoning, evaluate the coherence and accuracy of the information provided. If inconsistencies or gaps are identified, request further clarification or correction.

How Students Can Use This Approach:

  1. Critical Engagement: Encourage students to actively assess ChatGPT’s reasoning and analyze each step provided. This fosters critical thinking and evaluation skills.
  2. Refinement of Responses: Through this method, students can refine ChatGPT’s responses by identifying and rectifying potential errors or gaps in the information provided.
  3. Enhanced Understanding: Observing ChatGPT’s chain of thought aids students in comprehending complex topics more thoroughly, facilitating a deeper understanding for their essays.

By engaging ChatGPT in a step-by-step reasoning process, students not only gain insights into its decision-making but also refine the information for more detailed and accurate essays.

5. Establish Clear Objectives:

Clarity in communication is key. Clearly define your goals and expectations before engaging with ChatGPT. A precise understanding of what you seek ensures more accurate and relevant responses.

Students can maximize the AI’s potential by precisely defining their goals and expectations before engaging in conversation.

Strategy: Clearly Define Goals and Expectations


  1. Precision in Query Formulation: Clearly stating the intended outcome or information required from ChatGPT helps in generating more accurate and relevant responses.
  2. Focused Engagement: By articulating specific goals and expectations, students guide ChatGPT to provide detailed and targeted information, ensuring the AI’s responses align with their essay-writing needs.
  3. Efficient Use of AI: A precise understanding of what students seek allows ChatGPT to streamline its responses, minimizing irrelevant or off-topic information.


Imagine the essay topic is: “Examine the impact of artificial intelligence on job automation.”

  1. Precise Query Definition: Instead of a broad request, students can specify their goals, such as:
    • “ChatGPT, I’m seeking information on how AI affects job roles in the manufacturing industry.”
    • “Can you provide examples of specific professions most susceptible to AI-driven automation?”
  2. Clarity in Expectations: Clearly outlining the desired outcome helps in receiving more tailored responses:
    • “I’m looking for statistics or case studies illustrating the decline of manual labor jobs due to AI integration.”
    • “Could you elaborate on the potential economic ramifications of widespread job automation driven by AI advancements?”

How Students Can Use This Approach:

  1. Focused Information Retrieval: Students should precisely define their essay-related goals when interacting with ChatGPT, ensuring the AI’s responses align with their specific needs.
  2. Refinement of Queries: Iteratively refine queries based on initial responses to further narrow down information, ensuring detailed and relevant content for the essay.
  3. Efficient Utilization: Clear communication optimizes the use of ChatGPT, making interactions more efficient and productive for essay-writing purposes.

By clearly defining goals and expectations before engaging ChatGPT, students enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the AI’s responses, thereby facilitating the generation of detailed and pertinent content for their essays.

6. Provide Contextual Information:

Furnish ChatGPT with comprehensive context. Detailed information about the problem or task assists the AI in delivering tailored and contextually appropriate solutions.

Providing ChatGPT with comprehensive context is crucial for students seeking detailed essay content. This approach helps the AI better understand the specific requirements and deliver more tailored and relevant information.

Strategy: Furnish ChatGPT with Comprehensive Context


  1. Contextual Relevance: Detailed information about the essay topic or specific aspects aids ChatGPT in understanding the nuances and requirements, leading to more relevant and contextually appropriate responses.
  2. Tailored Solutions: Providing comprehensive context enables ChatGPT to generate content that aligns with the specific angle or depth students require for their essays, ensuring a more personalized and detailed outcome.
  3. Better Understanding: Context-rich queries allow ChatGPT to grasp the intent behind the essay topic, resulting in more accurate and nuanced information that contributes to a detailed essay.


Consider the essay prompt: “Examine the role of technology in education.”

  1. Specific Contextualization: Instead of a general query, furnish ChatGPT with detailed context:
    • “ChatGPT, I’m exploring how adaptive learning platforms revolutionize personalized education. Can you provide insights into their impact on student performance and engagement?”
    • “I’m interested in discussing the integration of VR technology in classrooms. Could you elaborate on its benefits for immersive learning experiences?”
  2. Scenario-based Context: Provide scenarios or specific instances related to the essay topic:
    • “In the context of online learning during the pandemic, can you elaborate on the effectiveness of AI-powered tutoring systems in bridging learning gaps?”
    • “Considering the implementation of coding classes in schools, could you discuss the advantages of technology-focused education for future skill development?”

How Students Can Use This Approach:

  1. Detailed Topic Framing: Students should articulate specific angles, scenarios, or aspects of the essay topic when engaging ChatGPT to ensure context-rich responses.
  2. Focused Query Development: By providing detailed context, students can guide ChatGPT to address precise elements or scenarios related to the essay, resulting in more detailed and tailored content.
  3. Contextual Relevance Assessment: Students should review the information received from ChatGPT to ensure it aligns with the context provided and refine queries if needed.

By furnishing ChatGPT with comprehensive context through detailed information and specific scenarios, students can extract more detailed, tailored, and contextually appropriate content for their essays.

7. Iterate and Refine:

Treat conversations with ChatGPT as iterative processes. Refine your queries based on the initial responses to ensure progressive and refined output.

When using ChatGPT for essay writing, treating the interaction as an iterative process allows students to refine their queries progressively. This iterative refinement helps in obtaining more detailed and refined information for their essays.

Strategy: Iterative Refinement of Queries


  1. Continuous Improvement: Iteratively refining queries based on initial responses enables students to clarify and specify their information needs further, leading to more detailed and precise answers.
  2. Progressive Enhancement: Each refinement builds upon the previous query, allowing students to delve deeper into specific aspects or gather additional information, resulting in more comprehensive and detailed content.
  3. Optimized Output: By refining queries iteratively, students can steer ChatGPT towards producing more focused, detailed, and relevant information that aligns closely with their essay requirements.


Suppose the essay topic is: “Discuss the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in decision-making.”

  1. Initial Query: Begin with a broad query to gather foundational information:
    • “ChatGPT, could you provide an overview of the ethical considerations surrounding AI-driven decision-making?”
  2. Refinement based on Response: After receiving the initial overview, refine the query for more specific details:
    • “Regarding bias in AI algorithms, can you elaborate on real-world instances where biased algorithms led to unethical decision outcomes?”
  3. Further Refinement: Based on the information received, refine the query to gather examples related to specific industries or contexts:
    • “In healthcare, how have ethical dilemmas arisen due to AI-driven decision support systems? Can you provide case studies highlighting such instances?”

How Students Can Use This Approach:

  1. Evaluate Initial Responses: Students should assess initial responses to identify areas for further clarification or specific details needed for their essays.
  2. Gradual Refinement: Refine subsequent queries based on the information received, progressively narrowing down to specific aspects or examples related to the essay topic.
  3. Continual Adjustment: Continuously refine queries to steer ChatGPT towards providing more detailed and targeted information, ensuring a refined and comprehensive output for the essay.

By treating the conversation with ChatGPT as an iterative process, students can gradually refine their queries to gather increasingly detailed and tailored information that enriches their essays.

8. Engage in Conversational Probing:

Actively engage in conversational probing to delve deeper into specific aspects. Asking follow-up questions aids in extracting more nuanced and detailed responses.

Actively engaging ChatGPT with probing questions aids in extracting more nuanced and detailed information, enriching the content for detailed essays.

Strategy: Engage in Conversational Probing for Depth


  1. Depth and Detail: Probing with follow-up questions allows students to explore specific facets or angles of the topic in greater detail, leading to more comprehensive and detailed responses from ChatGPT.
  2. Nuanced Insights: Asking follow-up questions helps uncover additional layers of information, providing nuanced insights and diverse perspectives on various aspects of the essay topic.
  3. Focused Exploration: By delving deeper into specific aspects through probing, students can extract detailed and relevant information, enhancing the richness and depth of content for their essays.


Consider the essay prompt: “Examine the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships.”

  1. Initial Inquiry: Start with a general question to initiate the conversation:
    • “ChatGPT, how does social media influence the formation of friendships and relationships?”
  2. Follow-up Probing: Engage in conversational probing to delve deeper into specific aspects:
    • “Can you elaborate on how social media usage affects communication patterns within family relationships?”
    • “Regarding romantic relationships, how does social media impact trust and intimacy levels among couples?”
  3. Further Exploration: Ask additional follow-up questions based on ChatGPT’s responses to gather more nuanced information:
    • “In what ways do different social media platforms contribute differently to shaping peer interactions among adolescents?”
    • “Could you provide examples of how social media usage has evolved perceptions of friendship in the digital age?”

How Students Can Use This Approach:

  1. Focused Follow-ups: Students should craft follow-up questions based on initial responses to explore specific angles or subtopics related to the essay prompt.
  2. Thematic Exploration: Use probing to explore different dimensions or scenarios related to the essay topic, allowing ChatGPT to provide diverse and detailed insights.
  3. Continuous Probing: Continuously engage in follow-up questioning to uncover deeper layers of information, ensuring a comprehensive and detailed understanding of various aspects for the essay.

By actively probing ChatGPT with follow-up questions to explore specific aspects or scenarios related to the essay topic, students can gather detailed and nuanced information that enriches the content of their essays.

Feel free to integrate these techniques into the essay-writing process, highlighting how engaging in conversational probing with ChatGPT aids in gathering detailed and multifaceted information for writing comprehensive essays.

9. Encourage Divergent Thinking:

Stimulate ChatGPT’s creativity by encouraging diverse perspectives and unconventional approaches. This can lead to innovative solutions and unique insights.

Encouraging diverse perspectives and unconventional approaches when interacting with ChatGPT can stimulate its creativity, leading to innovative insights for detailed essays.

Strategy: Encourage Divergent Thinking for Unique Insights


  1. Creative Exploration: Encouraging diverse perspectives prompts ChatGPT to consider various angles or unconventional viewpoints, fostering creative thinking and generating innovative ideas.
  2. Novel Insights: Embracing unconventional approaches enables ChatGPT to offer unique and out-of-the-box solutions, contributing to the depth and originality of the essay content.
  3. Enhanced Depth: Exploring diverse perspectives allows ChatGPT to delve into less-explored or alternative aspects of the topic, enriching the essay with fresh and comprehensive insights.


Imagine the essay prompt: “Evaluate the future of sustainable urban development.”

  1. Divergent Approach Inquiry: Prompt ChatGPT with a request for unconventional or unique perspectives:
    • “ChatGPT, could you explore alternative approaches to sustainable urban development that are not commonly discussed?”
  2. Unconventional Perspective Request: Encourage ChatGPT to consider innovative solutions or perspectives:
    • “What unconventional strategies or technologies might redefine the concept of eco-friendly urban infrastructure in the future?”
  3. Innovative Scenario Exploration: Seek insights into hypothetical scenarios or imaginative ideas:
    • “Can you envision a futuristic city model that incorporates sustainability principles in unconventional ways, perhaps integrating nature and technology uniquely?”

How Students Can Use This Approach:

  1. Open-Ended Queries: Frame open-ended queries that encourage ChatGPT to explore diverse or imaginative viewpoints related to the essay topic.
  2. Embrace Creativity: Encourage ChatGPT to think outside the box by requesting unconventional or innovative approaches, allowing for the generation of unique ideas.
  3. Exploratory Engagement: Engage in conversational exploration to uncover alternative or less-explored aspects, fostering a broader and more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

By stimulating ChatGPT’s creativity and encouraging diverse perspectives or unconventional approaches, students can extract innovative and unique insights, enriching their essays with fresh and thought-provoking content.

10. Feedback and Corrections:

Provide feedback and corrections when necessary. This iterative process helps refine ChatGPT’s understanding and improves the quality of subsequent interactions.

Providing feedback and corrections during interactions with ChatGPT is pivotal for refining its understanding and enhancing the quality of information gathered for detailed essays.

Strategy: Offer Feedback and Corrections for Improved Understanding


  1. Iterative Improvement: Offering feedback allows ChatGPT to learn from its responses, correcting inaccuracies or misunderstandings, thus improving subsequent interactions and essay content.
  2. Enhanced Accuracy: Clear and constructive feedback assists ChatGPT in understanding nuances and context better, leading to more accurate and detailed responses aligned with the essay’s requirements.
  3. Refined Engagement: By iteratively correcting and guiding ChatGPT, students facilitate a more refined and tailored conversation, ensuring the AI’s responses contribute meaningfully to detailed essays.


Let’s say the essay topic is: “Discuss the ethical implications of AI in healthcare.”

  1. Initial Query: Engage ChatGPT with a query related to the essay topic:
    • “Can you elaborate on the ethical concerns surrounding patient privacy in AI-powered healthcare systems?”
  2. Feedback and Clarification: Review the response and provide constructive feedback:
    • “The explanation was insightful. However, could you expand more on the potential risks of data breaches in AI-driven medical records?”
  3. Correction and Guidance: Offer guidance for improvement based on ChatGPT’s response:
    • “The information provided about data breaches is crucial. Can you also delve into the ethical considerations in using AI for diagnosis, considering issues of accountability and bias?”

How Students Can Use This Approach:

  1. Constructive Feedback: Provide specific feedback on ChatGPT’s responses, highlighting areas that require further elaboration or clarification for the essay’s depth.
  2. Clarity in Guidance: Offer clear guidance or additional prompts based on the initial responses to steer ChatGPT towards providing more detailed and relevant information.
  3. Continuous Improvement: Continuously offer feedback and corrections to refine ChatGPT’s understanding, ensuring progressively detailed and accurate information for the essay.

By offering constructive feedback and corrections during interactions with ChatGPT, students actively contribute to refining the AI’s understanding, leading to more detailed, accurate, and contextually relevant information for their essays.

Feel free to integrate these steps into the essay-writing process, emphasizing the importance of providing feedback and corrections to enhance the quality and depth of information extracted from ChatGPT. By implementing these hacks, you can harness the full potential of ChatGPT and obtain more precise, insightful, and tailored answers to your queries.