Marketing Plan Assignment Help
Marketing Plan is a business document which provides the basic strategy or a comprehensive plan which is to be followed for the achievement of business objectives. The market plan determines the current market position of the business and shows the strategies of the business that it will follow in the coming period for the achievement of goals. It lays down the basis for the marketing and advertising for the business in the future period.
The basic purpose of forming a business plan is to achieve the objective of the business. For achieving any objective the small goals are formed. The goal formation is known as market planning. The goals plot the track to be followed for the achievement of the objectives. For Example: A business aims at achieving an increase in the sales in the market by 20%. For achieving this milestone the market will be studied and the environment of the business will be checked. Afterwards small goals will be laid down which would help in the accomplishment of goals.
While a Marketing Plan is prepared several aspects are to be taken care of. The outline of any plan is formulated very carefully after the thorough study of each and every aspect of the market. Usually the outline is prepared after taking following things into consideration:
1. Market Research: The market research is the basic determinant of the market plan. It shows the current dynamic patterns in the market, consumer’s preferences, and price policies in the market, consumer’s expectations and the sale volume pattern in the market. This helps in determining the plans that should be made taking into consideration the environment business works in.
2. Competition: The competition in the market has a strong influence on the formulation of business’s strategies. The competitor’s strategies need to be studied properly to design own policies in such a way that the business is capable enough to outperform in the market.
3. Budget: The budget defines the scale of operations a business can afford. The budget is the quantifiable measure that helps to configure the level of the business operations. All the operations are limited on the base of finance. Therefore proper planning of business assets needs to be done to achieve the business goals.
4. Goals: Goals refer to the short plan made to achieve the objective of the business. The objective of the business is huge to achieve. Thus small milestones are developed known as plans which help in the achievement of the objectives.
5. Results of the plan: The organization needs to keep a record of the business plans all the time to analyze the proper working of the resources in the business.

Formation of a Marketing Plan:

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Types of Marketing Plan:
1. Direct Marketing: In direct marketing the business authorities focus just on promoting the product or the services of the business. The services are marketed directly to the consumers using direct communication such as messaging, email, calling etc.
2. Indirect Marketing: Indirect marketing is a pervasive way to do marketing in the business. The consumers are not approached directly; instead they are approaches indirectly. The business enterprises conduct different charity programs and sponsoring the events. This keeps the name of the company lively among the customers and the costumers gets attracted towards the company.
3. Cause Marketing: This type of strategy is adopted by the businesses who wish to link themselves with a social cause. Their product is formed in such a way that it is eco-friendly and highly beneficial for the society. Their main customers are the people associated with these causes.
4. Relationship Marketing: In this type of marketing plan the relationship between the seller and the buyer is given due importance. This aims at building good relations with the customers and this in return helps in fostering the sales and scale of the business. The customers are reached through phone calls, emails, get together and mega-draws for the customers.
5. Niche Marketing: Niche Marketing aims at a particular group of people. It extends its facilities to a defined group of people in the market who might be willing to take up their services. These kind of services are exclusively developed for the specific customers.
Qualities of a Marketing Plan:
A marketing plan must carry the following qualities:
- Clear: The plan must be clear and not vague. The plan must be formed on logics and basics and must carry a meaning to it.
- Quantified: The plans must be presented in quantitative terms so that the comparisons can be made with the past plans and relations can be made.
- Focused: The plans must stick to the basic objectives of the business only and must not fluctuate.
- Realistic: The plans must be realistic i.e. they must be formed on a factual and data basis. They must not be formed merely on theoretical basis.
- Agreed: The plan must be agreed upon by all the people carrying on the business. The plan must be for the achievement of organizational goals and not personal.
The Marketing plan’s implementation in practical life can be of great use. For this more information is required. You can visit to know more about the marketing Planning.
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