How to Calculate Absolute Value in JavaScript

What is Javascript?

Javascript is an object-oriented scripting language which is similar to Microsoft VB programming language. In the host environment, javascript is connected to the objects of its environment to provide programmatic control over them. The language contains a standard library of objects like array, date and math and core set of language set such as operators, control structures, and statements. Javascript is mainly of two types: client-side and server-side Javascript. Client-side Javascript extends the sore language by supplying objects to control to a browser and its document object model(DOM). Whereas server-side extends the core language by supplying objects relevant to running javascript on a server.

What is the Absolute Value in javascript?

Absolute function is javascript return an absolute integer in which value of the number is always positive. The Absolute value is the number on the number line whether it is above from the number line or below from the number line. A thing doesn't matter is a number's negative sign, all we care about the value not its sign. For example: -3 is not an absolute value whereas 3 is an absolute value.

How to calculate absolute value in javascript

The function Abs() return absolute value in javascript. Syntax for absolute function is Math.abs(x) where x is the number that needs to required. Return value for the function is a value that representing a specified number, or NaN if the value is not a number or 0 if the value is null. Lets take some example to understand the concept of Absolute value.

var a = Math.abs(6.75);
var b = Math.abs(-6.75);
var c = Math.abs(null);
var d = Math.abs(“Assignment Help”);
var e = Math.abs(2+4);