Trade Study Analysis Selection Criteria Assignment Help
The following were identified as critical factors for the ELU sub-system. Cost was considered separately so as to enable cost/effectiveness as a separate evaluation factor.
Scale: 1 – 5
Maximum Weight: 5 (Most critical factor)
Minimum Weight: 1 (Least critical factor)
1. The ELU sub-system shall be portable and have active reception at all times once communication is established with the satellite network.
1.1. Portability
1.2. System Weight
Weighting = 4
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2. The ELU sub-system shall be able to process GPS Satellite signal to identify crew/aircraft location to an accuracy of within 100m
2.1. CEP in m
Weighting = 5
3. The ELU sub-system be reliable to operate in the following environmental conditions:
3.1. Temperature -32 to 60 degrees C
3.2. Rain 0.5 in/hour
Weighting = 3
4. The ELU sub-system shall have the ability to be self powered 24 hours a day for a continuous period of up to 10 days5. Accept daily crypto key data from SAR Command Center
4.1. Battery Life
Weighting = 5
5. The ELU sub-system shall have the ability to encrypt/decrypt communication signals from the SAR Command Center
5.1. Encryption/Decryption
Weighting = 4
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