Surface Water Theory And Modeling

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Water Balance Modelling monthly water balance model for a given period

- If temperature is greater than the base temperature, ranging between 0 and 6 degrees Celsius, then precipitation is rainfall

- Precipitation is rainfall

- Rainfall is added to liquid storage

- Evapotranspiration is calculated using Thornthwaite’s equation

- Evapotranspiration is removed from liquid storage

- Snowmelt is calculated using a degree-day method (Snowmelt=ksm*(t- tbase)

- Snowmelt is removed from solid storage

-Runoff is proportional to liquid storage (krl)

-Runoff is removed from liquid storage

-If temperature is less than base temperature, precipitation is snow

-Precipitation is snowfall

-Snowfall is added to solid storage

-Evaporation is proportional to temperature minus the base temperature, calculated using E=E0+kes*(tbase-t) (kes)

-Evapotranspiration is first removed from liquid storage then removed from solid storage

-Runoff is proportional to liquid storage (krl)

-Runoff is removed from liquid storage

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