Plot Of Data Versus Time In Matlab Assignment Help
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Matlab tutors help, Plot the number of bacteria (N) as a function of time (t) and find the time after which all of the bacteria have died
% plot no of bacteria instead of rate of change /* dsp projects matlab with code*/
% 6th oct 09
[data x y] = readplot('experimental_dNdt.txt',6,2);
noofbacteria = zeros(length(y),1);
for i = 1:length(y)
noofbacteria(i) = sum(y(1:i)) ;
end /*help in matlab project coding*/
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ylabel('No. of Bacteria');
% Use newton raphson to find the zero of the no of bacteria
p = polyfit(x,noofbacteria,3);
r = newtonraph(p);
disp('The point at which the no of bacteria become zero');
Detail discussion given below for the matlab code
function [labels,x,y] = readndplot(fname,ncols,nhead,nlrows)
*readColData reads data from a file containing data in columns
* that have text titles and possibly other header text
* [labels,x,y] = readColData(fname)
* [labels,x,y] = readColData(fname,ncols)
* [labels,x,y] = readColData(fname,ncols,nhead)
* [labels,x,y] = readColData(fname,ncols,nhead,nlrows)
* Input:
* fname = name of the file containing the data (required)
* ncols = number of columns in the data file. Default = 2. A value
* of ncols is required only if nlrows is also specified.
* nhead = number of lines of header information at the very top of
* the file. Header text is read and discarded. Default = 0.
* A value of nhead is required only if nlrows is also specified.
* nlrows = number of rows of labels. Default = 1
* Output:
* labels = matrix of labels. Each row of lables is a different
* label from the columns of data. The number of columns
* in the labels matrix equals the length of the longest
* column heading in the data file. More than one row of
* labels is allowed. In this case the second row of column
* headings begins in row ncol+1 of labels. The third row
* column headings begins in row 2*ncol+1 of labels, etc.
* NOTE: Individual column headings must not contain blanks
* x = column vector of x values
* y = matrix of y values. y has length(x) rows and ncols columns
* Author:
* Gerald Recktenwald,
* Portland State University, Mechanical Engineering Department
* 24 August 1995
* process optional arguments
if nargin < 4
nlrows = 1; % default
if nargin < 3
nhead = 0; % default
if nargin < 2
ncols = 2; % default
* open file for input, include error handling
fin = fopen(fname,'r');
if fin < 0
error(['Could not open ',fname,' for input']);
* Preliminary reading of titles to determine number of columns
* needed in the labels matrix. This allows for an arbitrary number
* of column titles with unequal (string) lengths. We cannot simply
* append to the labels matrix as new labels are read because the first
* label might not be the longest. The number of columns in the labels
* matrix (= maxlen) needs to be set properly from the start.
* Read and discard header text on line at a time
for i=1:nhead, buffer = fgetl(fin); end
maxlen = 0;
for i=1:nlrows
buffer = fgetl(fin); % get next line as a string
for j=1:ncols
[next,buffer] = strtok(buffer); parse next column label
maxlen = max(maxlen,length(next)); % find the longest so far
* Set the number of columns in the labels matrix equal to the length
* of the longest column title. A complete preallocation (including
* rows) of the label matrix is not possible since there is no string
* equivalent of the ones() or zeros() command. The blank() command
* only creates a string row vector not a matrix.
labels = blanks(maxlen);
frewind(fin); % rewind in preparation for actual reading of labels and data
* Read and discard header text on line at a time
for i=1:nhead, buffer = fgetl(fin); end
* Read titles for keeps this time
for i=1:nlrows
buffer = fgetl(fin); % get next line as a string
for j=1:ncols
[next,buffer] = strtok(buffer); % parse next column label
n = j + (i-1)*ncols; pointer into the label array for next label
labels(n,1:length(next)) = next; % append to the labels matrix
* Read in the x-y data. Use the vetorized fscanf function to load all
* numerical values into one vector. Then reshape this vector into a
* matrix before copying it into the x and y matrices for return.
data = fscanf(fin,'%f'); * Load the numerical values into one long vector
nd = length(data); total number of data points
nr = nd/ncols; number of rows; check (next statement) to make sure
if nr ~= round(nd/ncols)
fprintf(1,'\ndata: nrow = %f\tncol = %d\n',nr,ncols);
fprintf(1,'number of data points = %d does not equal nrow*ncol\n',nd);
error('data is not rectangular')
data = reshape(data,ncols,nr)'; % notice the transpose operator
x = data(:,1);
y = data(:,2:ncols);
% end of readColData.m
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