Identify The Skills Knowledge And Tools Required For The Application Assignment Answer
1- Component selection knowledge.

In order to select the component there should be well understanding of choosing any component before starting the build-up stage. For instance, there are many types of resistors such as (variable or stable resistors), (1K?, 10K?, 5K?)..etc
2- Knowledge of connecting the selected components.
Connect electronic components must be dealt by a well knowledge individual, there are certain ways and strategies. For example, a power source cannot be directly connected to a component, there should be resistance to reduce the voltage.
3- Knowledge of using ISIS program within 'Protues'.
This program requires a well knowledge users, due to the amount of components and commands as well as coding and connections.
4-Tools box.
Its required for the project in order to be built-up.
Tool Kit Contains:
- 30W soldering iron
- desoldering pump
- snap-off knife
- miniature long nose pliers
- miniature diagonal cutter
- Phillips: 6 x 125mm 5 x 75mm 2.4 x 75mm
- Flat Blade: 6 x 125mm 5 x 75mm 2.4 x 75mm
5- Soldering.
There are techniques for soldering such as micro-soldering. If for example, un-knowledge person applies soldering techniques on a big board, the result well be burning this board.
- 30W soldering iron
- desoldering pump
- Extract fan
6-Testing equipment.
They are used for testing components and checking results.
Such as:
Digital millimeter.
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