Advanced Placement Program

Advanced placement is a program in the united states and Canada created by the college board which offers college-level curriculum and examinations to the high school students. American colleges and universities may grant placements and Assignment credit to students who are able to obtain high scores in the examinations. This program was started in May, 2003. The AP examination is an internet-based examination which is conducted annually.

There are currently 36 Assignments and exams available through the AP program. The AP tests are scored on a 1 to 5 scale as follows:

  • 5- extremely well qualified
  • 4- well qualified
  • 3- qualified
  • 2- Possibly qualified
  • 1- not possible

The multiple-choice component of the exam is proctored by the computer. Some colleges use AP test scores to exempt the students from foundational level Assignments, and others use them to place students in higher designated Assignments, and some colleges uses both. Though each college’s policy is different, most require a minimum score of 3 or 4 to receive the Assignment credit.

Upcoming changes in advanced placement test-

Section 1:

Multiple choice questions will be extended from 60 questions in 45 minutes to 70 questions in 70 minutes. Which will still account for 50% of the total exam score.

Section 2:

This section will include five questions instead of four questions in 100 minutes.

Advanced placement program can change your life. Through university- level AP Assignments, you will experience learning in arenas that might otherwise remain unexplored in high schools. Through AP exams, you have the opportunity to earn the credits or advance through most of Canadian and American colleges and universities.

Advanced placement program college board:

Advanced placement program college board is a mission-driven Not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunities.  Founded in 1900, the college board was created to expand the accessibility towards higher education. Today the membership association alone is made up of over 6000 of world’s leading educational institutions and solely dedicated to promoting excellence and equity in education.

Each year, the college board provides an opportunity to more than seven million of students in preparation of their successful transition to college through programs and services in achieving college success.

Advanced Placement Program

Eligibility criteria:

Registration for college board’s advanced placement program is open to all eligible students, including those who are currently not enrolled in the program. You must be below 21 years of age at the time of taking the exam.

The program is flexible enough with a provision where you can decide how many exams you want to take in any particular year.

Exam pattern:

The advanced placement program currently offers 30 Assignments. The exam duration can be varying from 90 minutes to 200 minutes, which further depends upon the exam subject. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions and a free response section.

The exam fee for advanced placement program is USD 143 or INR 9,281 per exam. A test surcharge of INR 1,000 is applicable at USIEF centers in Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai.

Advanced placement program USA-

Many colleges and universities of United States proudly mention that they offer advanced placement programs across all the Assignments. AP Assignments are university-level Assignments in more than 30 subjects that students can take while still in high school. AP Assignments are usually more demanding on students than regular high school Assignments, so, for example- an AP chemistry class would be more intensive than a regular chemistry class. AP Assignments are an excellent tool in helping the students making a smooth transition from high school to university.

In USA, AP exam attests to rigorous academic Assignmentwork in secondary school to inform admissions decisions. Obtaining university credits or advanced placements through AP can increase options manifolds for students. It can allow students to move into upper-level Assignments earlier than usual expectations.

Advanced placement program USA provides around 38 Assignments. Some of the available Assignments are- AP computer science program, AP macroeconomics, AP chemistry, AP statistics, AP biology etc. Best part about AP programs is that one can opt for more than one Assignments. Hence, students should only take AP Assignments in subject areas in which they excel as AP programs require a high level of competence in the given field.

Advanced placement program in Canada:

Due to rising competition, Canadian parents often seek extra enrichment opportunities for their children that will help their children to get into good universities. For this, the advanced placement program is one such enrichment program.

Advanced placement is a program which is created by college board offering college level curriculum and examinations to the high school students. This program was started in 1955.

At the end of the university preparation Assignments, that students write an examination which Canadian college board in Victoria, B.C. proctors. If a student scores a four or five (out of five points), he or she may earn a university Assignment credit. The content of advanced placement exams varies in a way which is completely in accordance with 34 Assignments a student is in. Nonetheless, they always required to do quick and critical thinking. Indeed, the success depends not only on intensive preparation strategies but also on efficiency exhibited.

One of the things that make Advanced placement program unique is that you can take AP test without taking AP classes. The registration fees for same is USD 93 for each AP exam.  However, students should only take AP Assignments in subject areas at which they excel, for AP exams do require a high level of competence in any given field.