C-- Assignment Help, C-- Programming Assignment Help
C-- Assignment Help
C-- (pronounced "see minus minus") is a C-like programming language. Its creators, functional programming researchers Simon Peyton Jones and Norman Ramsey, designed it to be generated mainly by compilers for very high-level languages rather than written by human programmers. Unlike many other intermediate languages, its representation is plain ASCII text, not bytecode or another binary format.
Every type of Assignment Helps is available at assignmenthelp.net. We provide Assignment Help, project help, homework help, programming help for C- - language and online tutorial and documentation help. Our services are open for all students.
What Assignment Help for C -- programming language we provide?
Students struggling with C-- programming Language and need help then you should visit assignmenthelp.net and get proper solution for their problem. We provide excellent online help services for all students from college and schools. Team of experts and professionals for C-- language are always available to give you friendly online assistance to your problems.
Short introduction for the C-- programming language is also presented at assignmenthelp.net with proper explanation with example. If any student facing problem with C-- then they should visit assignmenthelp.net and find proper solution for problem. Students can chat with our expert professional and get cost effective solution. Just visit our 24x7 Live Supports or submit your problem, homework or assignment and get within time.
C-- Programming code:

{`typedef enum { NEW, RUNNING, SLEEPING, DEAD } state; struct tcb { Cmm_Cont *k; state state; Cmm_Limit *limit; void *stack; unsigned size; }; struct tcb *new_thread(unsigned n) { struct tcb *tcb = malloc(n + sizeof(*tcb)); assert(tcb); tcb->state = new; tcb->stack = tcb+1; tcb->size = n; tcb->k = Cmm_CreateStack(run_thread, tcb, tcb->stack, n, &tcb->limit); return tcb; }`}
Features of C -- programming language:
- C- -supports multiple front ends for multiple languages.
- C- -has a machine-level type system
- C- - provides a run-time interface
- C-- is a 'portable assembly language
- C-- computation to be modified at runtime